Saturday, January 31, 2009

Muthalik in custody for one day – a joke

India’s vandalism party chief has been arrested and a news channel says that he will be in jail for at least a night (this was on Thursday evening). Ask anyone in Udupi, about Muthalik’s background, they will tell you that he was a local goonda – a petty ransom and hafta collector. I will not be surprised if he has not been arrested earlier. What is new for him if he goes for another day? Does it matter to him? He has become a political leader overnight. That’s what he wanted!!!

In fact, with the Karnataka CM’s statement, in a way supporting him by telling that pub culture should be stopped in Bangalore – the pub city, does he not know Muthalik’s background? Should he be stopping pub culture or ensuring guys like Muthalik are put behind bars?

How come he was not arrested for his acts and put behind bars for good?

Why does it take Mumbai Police to get him to books? What is this “at least one day in jail attitude”? This is the biggest joke played on Indians today!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Morale policing vs. economic stability and national security

Once again our politicians display their foot-in-mouth syndrome. From the head of a nitwitic party who disrupted lives and terrorized people in Mangalore, to another party in Nashik who terrorized kids to the Chief Ministers of Rajasthan and Karnataka – every ones motto now seems to be “morale policing is my contribution to the society”!

Wake up guys, today the problems that our country (including your party) faces are two:
01. Economy is slowing down further and is actually exposing cracks even in India
02. This is resulting in increased unemployment
03. And finally, the threat to our existence from terrorism

Morale policing will not help in any of the top three issues that are primary to the lives of an Indian. When will our politicians understand that? Why are we voting for them?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Political terror to Politics of terror

It was sad see Ajmal Amir Qasab again creating havoc in Nashik, at a hotel in Bombay and a pub in Mangalore. The hundreds attacked by terrorists in Bombay were innocent. The objectives of the terrorists were to create havoc and destroy lives of many innocent people. At the same time, one of the key reasons for the attack was to get certain recognition.

How different are the hooligan parties in Bombay and Mangalore? They have created havoc with their inhuman actions. They have terrorised the lives of innocent people. And their core objective is to get their parties recognized as the elections are round the corner.

This is where we do not see the Government and the Supreme Court not taking steps. Can’t these parties be barred from participating in elections? What are we waiting for?
When do we see an end to the politics of terror? Or political terror?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

When do we learn? When will India be safe?

A little more than month after Mumbai attacks. A couple of months after blasts in Assam. The blasts repeat themselves. We cannot say, ‘history repeats itself’, as the attacks on Indian soil are not history yet. Assam sees three blasts on the evening of January 1, 2009. Could the perpetrators have found a better day?

You have politicians still talking, pointing fingers, covering their bums and finally bullshitting. You and I, the citizens of India are still living to die an unexpected death.

Yesterday here in Bombay, Police were patrolling the streets like never before. They are keeping vigil on the city and we are told they are well equipped to handle and kind of incident of attack on the city. What about Assam?

Why were these steps not taken in Assam? And our security system stinks. Doesn’t it? The home minister was supposed to be coming to Assam and was supposed to be passing that route. I am sure the security agencies, have done a complete combing of the areas which will be touched by the home minister. What searching have they done?

Yes, the number of people killed in today’s incident in Assam are low. Three as now. But aren’t they lives?

They question that comes to my mind is that, ‘am I safe anywhere in India’, ‘are you’?

This is a result of governance and the governors – a failure of both. Poor governance has led to misuse of power in wrong directions and being unprepared to go in the right direction. By governance, I mean the politicians who fight based on caste and religion, security agencies that are paid peanuts and hence, hire moneys and finally the govt. officials who are so corrupt (mind you, corruption in India is a function of poor salaries paid to them and someway their attitude towards life in general).

Can the governors stop being corrupt and do their duty as they should and work towards improving governance? Secondly, can we citizens work out governance principles based on our experiences in our careers?

I for sure can help India market itself to the world. What can you do?