Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Audacity of hope despite the dogs, lipsticks, powder and ties

We all heard the two politicians and read their minds today. Frankly, I am not surprised. That is how they are and how much they care. However, one thing Naqvi told was true. For him we are not the vote bank. We do not represent his audience. His vote bank is large and out there and possibly believe him as well. Possibly because, they do not know his real side. Question is how can we – the dogs, the lipstick wearer, powder puffed and tie wearers – influence his vote bank?

People like Naqvi and the Kerala CM still hope to win and possibly will still win. Unless you and I can stop them from standing for elections or getting their vote banks to vote against them. Kill their audacity of hope.

Please do feel free to give your thoughts and views.


Sujaya said...

A Vilasrao, A Naqvi are all smug in the knowledge that each time a crisis happens, the backlash passes away. Actually that's what has happened each time. Somewhere the fervour and anger fades away.

They also know that we are a small fraction of their voting population. The other larger group votes for them as they believe in the promises that the parties make or are frightened out of their wits about other communities snatching their livelihoods.

My maid who will be voting this time thinks Raj Thackeray is a God. He has promised to install taps, new roads and jobs. She believes he is still in Shive Sena. When I told her that his party is called MNS, she shrugged. It did not make a difference. If Shive Sena promises something more, she will vote for him.

This time Obama (a Liberal) got a huge vote bank among the youth - which was traditionally seen as an unreliable vote bank. He energised them and they voted for him. Here in India, we have a large youth population. And they are really charged up this time and taking an active interest in the coming elections. We may not have an Obama in our midst, but I believe the winds of change are here. And this may cause quite a few surprises among the Naqvis, who think the lipstick wearing, tie-shai crowd is too small to matter. Lately my maid, a fan of Saas Bahu serials, would count among the lipstick wearers.

Sanjay said...

Well-written, Bedraj ! Keep going !