Saturday, June 27, 2009

‘Education’ in India – a new buzz word

With Kapil Sibal’s new found interest in education, I am sure we will see changes. Changes that he will be hailed for and changes that he will be booed for. Either way, I believe this is a start of a new chapter in Indian Education.

Although I am not privy to the changes being made at a grass root level, I still believe these are too small steps coming too late. The issue we face in education is a little more than ‘to have exams or not to have exams’.

Are the students trained to do something in a practical ‘big bad world’? Let’s look at what science graduates Zoology do. Or for than matter what do engineers do? A mechanical engineer goes ahead and becomes a software professional. A Zoology graduate becomes an advertising professional handling FMCG accounts. So is it about just being a graduate or actually learning to do something that is required in the industry.

Unfortunately, the pace at which the industry grows, is not the same as the pace at which our education changes. In fact, we need to look at education from two critical aspects:
01. Getting students ready for what they can do in parlance to the industry
02. Making education boards agile to change patters, content and education modes to drive employability to students.

Hope Mr. Sibal is seeing it from this perspective


Anonymous said...

I like the two points you have suggested!!!

Vijay said...

Check out Seth Godin's post on higher education
and his rant on MBA text books.
In tune with what you are saying.