Saturday, June 27, 2009

A traffic cop that the nation should be proud of

The other day I was moving around Andheri West in Bombay, trying to navigate my way in the overtly crowded roads. Cars kept zipping by, BEST buses hogged the roads, Rickshaws kept swinging lanes to avoid hitting and being hit, but mostly to avoid picking up local passengers as it would result in low fare earnings.

At a traffic junction, I saw a traffic cop literally pulling a rickshaw off the road to allow an old couple get on and move. Not a single rickshaw was stopping to pick them up. Just as we got our green signal to move on, I saw him stopping another rickshaw to accommodate a mother and child standing on the road.
I kept moving trying to navigate the traffic and my chores. But the face of the cop and the acts kept smiling at me. On my way back I asked a shop owner there about the cop and him stopping the rickshaws for passengers who wait and do not get a ride. He said that this cop (still do not know his name) does help out people keeping the ‘spirit of the law higher than the law itself’.

Amid all the corruption we see in the police cadre, acts like this change the mindset of people. This is truly where protectors act as protectors and are seen the same way.

A bright light of hope. I sincerely want to see that cop being given recognition for what he is doing.

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